Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to Blogging

Posted by Cathy at 10:00 PM 2 comments
After the long summer on my cruise internship I have ignored my blog. It also does not help that my camera is now missing it's usb cord to connect. Between 8 classes, a job and looking for a job after graduation I was exhausted and my laptop was the last thing I wanted to be on.

Well, here is an update. I am still broke, still in love with fashion but there are some changes. I accepted a job offer with White Lodging Management company as a Food & Beverage Manager in Richmond, Virginia. I am going there on Saturday to look for an apartment I will let you know how that goes.

Here is the last time I was out at Penn State this semester before Thanksgiving Break
Borrowed the tie and the glasses from a friend after a couple of shots with my girls.

And here is my boyfriend for his Boardwalk Empire themed event and my friend Taylor

I promise that I will be better at this whole updating thing. It should not be hard since I don't know anyone in Virginia and will be really lonely. Plan for the next six weeks: Work all the time, blog at home, sleep..start over

Dress: Forever 21
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Earrings: Express